If you're looking to use tarps to get rid of weeds you'll either be performing solarization or occultation and the best choice depends on what you need to accomplish. When I heard about...
Category: Soil Building
With the best chop-and-drop tools, you'll carry less out into the field after learning about all the options you may (or may not) need. Everyday chop-and-drop tools are small, multi-purpose, and...
Garden pathways, if done well, are easily kept weed free and can even benefit your garden by maintaining it---how nice would a two-in-one job be? Well, a hundred gardeners shared the way they...
I asked regenerative gardeners all around the world how they clear weeds, and collectively, we uncovered the best ways to remove weeds in large areas. Everyone agrees the best way to remove weeds...
Your options for planting in clay soil and full sun areas aren't as limited as they may seem. Several beautiful plants are known to thrive in clay soil and require hours of sun. Plus, the best...
Wet clay and shade combined make for a difficult growing environment and only for the hardiest of plants. The good news is, many of these hardy plants are beautiful, edible, and very diverse in...